InReach Explorer+

InReach Explorer+

Garmin's flagship device. It's features include sending and receiving messages, weather updates, navigation maps and more.....

What's Included?

  • Text messages- Unlimited
  • Preset messages- Unlimited
  • Location sharing- Unlimited
  • An SOS button linked to the Rescue-1 Rescue team
  • Topographic Maps for the entire world.
  • Bag+USB charging cable
  • A 24/7 support center, phone and whatsApp
Price for an under 90 days rental
Price for every additional day
Addition -

Weather - Adding this service package will allow you to receive an accurate weather forecast for a location of your choice. The forecast is supplied by "Dark Sky" and gives you a detailed view of the weather for two days ahead. The service is Unlimited! Tracking - Adding this service package will allow you to automatically send your location every hour, and share your route. The people receiving your tracking updates will be able to see your location at any given moment by simply clicking on the link sent to them. The service is unlimited.

+ $0.5 Per day
Addition -

+ $0.25 Per day